We offer courses to learn more about Judaism as well as guidance through the conversion process. Please contact Rabbi Bonnie Koppell at [email protected] if you are interested in learning more about converting to Judaism.
Introduction to Judaism This 18-week class is taught twice a year by local Reform rabbis, including the Temple Chai clergy. The class provides a broad overview of Jewish history and texts, Jewish lifecycle observances, and Jewish holidays. It also includes two structured Shabbat experiences- one Friday night and one Saturday morning. Introduction to Judaism is a prerequisite for those who are considering conversion. Students in Jewish families who want to know more find the class meaningful, and it’s a great way to renew your knowledge if you don’t remember Hebrew School! There is a fee of $200 for the class for those who are members of a Reform congregation, and $280 for those unaffiliated. The fee includes a +one family member whom we encourage you to invite. Click here to learn more about this class and to register.